Five Ideas on Water Play at Home

It has been said that - ‘You can live without love, but you can’t live without water!’
That may be true, but a paddling pool and some water games will bring both love and water together, right there in your home.
Water play at home is great fun for the whole family. Add in some enjoyable games and this event becomes even better. Yes, you and the family will love having water games in your home.
Well thought out waterproof toys will make the water play at home more enjoyable for everyone.
Here are 5 games and ideas to add value to your pool fun.
1. Ring toss
This game is an absolute must for every pool. The ring toss concept has so many benefits and play opportunities. There is ring toss unicorn style or play with a pretty inflatable mermaid tail. Your child will love trying to throw the rings over the unicorn’s horn or mermaid’s tail.
This is a game that will provide hours of fun for individuals or for the family. Watch your little one toss the rings and improve their eye-hand coordination at the same time. The rings are there for other games too. You can throw and catch them, or just let them bob and float in the pool.
2. Underwater champions
Learning to wear goggles is an important addition to enjoying water sports. Playing games that require some underwater play is improved by wearing goggles. The goggles protect the eyes and allow children to see better underwater. Stylish and cute goggles with ducks and fish suit a 3 – 9-year-old. Throw in some dive toys, like squid divers, and watch your child become a superstar underwater swimmer.
3. Search and rescue
Rescue missions are one of the fantasy games you can play in a paddling pool or even the bath tub. Find some plastic sea creatures to use for this game. The little squirt sea animals are ideal. Save a collection of creatures to rescue. Release the sea creatures into the pool. Then have a competition to see who can rescue the most and return them to a container.
4. Tea for two, or more
Pool time is a good time for imaginary pouring games. Invest in a plastic tea set and watch your child learn to fill and empty cups and teapots. Add other scoops and sieves from your kitchen for more measuring and pouring activities.
5. Mini boat races
Boats in a paddling pool are great fun. Sailboats or wind-up motorboats can race around the pool and provide hours of entertainment. You can be creative and make a raft out of lolly sticks to float in the water. Ping pong balls and corks make wonderful floating objects. Try to scoop them up and float them inside a ring from ring toss. In this way your child uses several of the water play toys at the same time.
Once your child is exposed to these pool toys, and some play activities, you will see how entertaining a pool can be. Remember, while the fun is going on, there is learning taking place and a growing confidence in the water.
And... here is a bonus idea!
A fishing game for all the landlubbers! It is a game you can play anywhere, any time.
A play mat for the fish, a bucket and two rods and this game will keep children busy, even if you are not swimming. The fishing game is versatile and can travel with you too. Take the fishing game on holiday or for a picnic.
Remember to learn to count the fish as you catch them.
Then add in a Dr. Seuss book,
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish,
...and you have a whole lot of entertainment organised!
Games are simply the best way for children to learn. So get playing and having fun together.
Picture credit: Blog picture of little Olli in the tub comes from our friends at aquaDucks. They are Singapore's pioneer swim school with multiple locations islandwide! They advise all parents to always supervise their kids during water play - it's key for water safety!
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